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Chuck Versus Bo
Season 05, Episode 10
Chuck Versus Bo
Air Date January 13, 2012
Writer Kristin Newman
Director Jeremiah Chechik
Previous Chuck Versus the Kept Man
Next Chuck Versus the Bullet Train
"Looks like all roads lead to the Buy More."

Chuck Versus Bo is the tenth episode in the final season of Chuck, which aired on the 13th of January, 2012.


Carmichael Industries is on a mission where Morgan faces the consequences of his frosted tips phase, when he was Human Intersect - having to recall a lost weekend at Vail with none other than Bo Derek.

Meanwhile, Jeff and Lester continue their own spy mission.

Full Story[]

The team has a problem: what to do about Jeff and Lester discovering Castle. The first idea was to put them in a staged car accident on the Pacific Coast Highway, dress them as if they went to Las Vegas, and spray them with some knockout gas to erase the last 24 hours of memory. However, Casey and Morgan neglected to take into account a sober Jeff's tenacity. Jeff and Lester figured out they weren't reeking of alcohol and there was no way either of them would end up with a pair of women's panties in their possession. Recalling that they were trailing Chuck and his friends about some secret under the Buy More, back to the Burbank they go to figure out what was going on.

Back home, Sarah hears a noise and ends up doing a paranoid check of the house with a gun, only to discover it was the paperboy delivering the newspaper. Chuck comes down the hallway towards her and Sarah tells him that she wants to quit the spy life. Chuck agrees but isn't sure what Carmichael Industries should become. Sarah decides between her experience as a spy and Chuck skills with computers, their spy agency could easily transition into a cyber security agency instead. Bad guys with computers instead of guns. Morgan thought it was a great idea, but Casey didn't sound enthusiastic about it, even though his role wouldn't change much.

Chuck: Aren't you sick of being shot at?
Sarah: Or getting shot? I mean, you get shot a lot.
Casey: Not considering how much I get shot at.

They couldn't argue that point, but they play the Alex card, pointing out she would be much happier if he wasn't doing so much dangerous stuff. Casey agreed, but only if they get rid of the Buy More. He's sick of using it as their cover operation.

Morgan is walking into the Buy More, looking at everything around with nostalgia. However, his frosted tips, break-up-with-Alex-via-text phase rears its ugly head again when Big Mike hands him a package at the Buy More that contains a phone he lost. Morgan looks at the screen and it shows there is a video message waiting for him.

Down in Castle, Team Bartowski watches the video. In it, frosted tip Morgan explains that he's incredibly out of it because he was partying really hard. He also states that people are after him because he found another pair of Intersect glasses, stole them, and hid them in a vault. He starts to wax poetic stating that he knows Chuck loves him and to tell the world he was a hero. Most importantly, Chuck needs to find those glasses. Just then, someone hits him over the head and knocks him out, ending the recording.

Chuck asks Morgan where he was in the video and what was going on. Unfortunately, Morgan doesn't remember anything about what happened because of the mind melting and, apparently, a lot of booze. He comments that, despite the fact that they all made fun of him at the time, it was a good thing he got the label maker back then because otherwise he would have never gotten the phone back. Also, they wouldn't even know about the Intersect glasses.

Casey says this puts off retirement, but Sarah says the plans haven't changed, they just have "one last mission". Casey, Morgan, and Chuck all get aggravated at her because she, once again, just jinxed them with her words. Chuck tells her that things never turn out well when someone says things like that. Sarah asks if this is all because of some stupid movie, both Chuck and Morgan say yes. However, even Casey points out to her that you never say, "one last mission". Never. Sarah says they're all overreacting.

A little while later, after viewing some pictures and the timecodes that Morgan had taken of himself snowboarding, they deduce that he was working for Verbanski during his trip. In his text messages, they see conversations between him and someone labelled BD. To try to figure out who it is, Morgan sends a message to the person imitating his frosted tips attitude.

In order to try to get more information, Chuck and Morgan go to Ellie, who studied hypnotherapy in school, to see if she can help him remember something. During the session they figure out a few items from regressing Morgan. Besides how much Morgan wanted to take her to the prom, there were references to emerald, gold, and the number 10.

In the Buy More, a man approaches Morgan and says he wants to return a blender. However, before Morgan can start asking for information about the purchase, the guy starts questioning him about his relationship status and if he loves the woman he's seeing. Alex appears and pushes the guy away, then apologizes to Morgan. Morgan questions who this Dale guy is, and Alex says he's nobody. He's just a guy she dated a couple of times while they were broken up. Dale makes a comment that makes Morgan realize Alex slept with him and he starts to get upset. Fortunately, at that moment he gets a response from his text message to BD earlier.

After doing some research, Sarah and Chuck are able to track down where Morgan was, in Vail, Colorado. Chuck says that Morgan needs to look the same way he did on that weekend, and he has to get frosted tip in his hair, and wear one of his t-shirts from then. In Vail, he gets another message that tells him to go to a bar in Vail. Once there, Morgan discovers who BD is: Bo Derek. Chuck is amazed to see her, admitting he loved her film, 10.

Worse, Jeff and Lester tailed them to Colorado, this time writing down everything they see. Bo apparently had something going with Morgan, based on the kiss he was on the receiving end of. Sarah reminded Morgan to stay in character... as someone who rocked Bo Derek's world. Apparently, Morgan told anybody who would listen that he was the Intersect back then. Morgan tries to get Bo to talk after accompanying her to her room, she takes his pants off, while Sarah and Casey interview the bar staff and customers to figure out what Morgan was doing that night. Other than acting like a jerk, the only information they got was about a tattoo. On the inside of his lower lip, which he has only just discovered, was the tattoo; "Don't trust Bo Derek," but the gun Bo has pointed at them makes the tattoo irrelevant. She demands to be taken to the intersect glasses, but Sarah knocks her out.


As Casey knocked Jeff and Lester out again and set them up the same way again, Chuck interrogates Bo Derek about what really happened that night. Bo parlayed her star into espionage. Word got around someone was going off claiming to be the Intersect, and her boss sent her to investigate. Morgan denies doing something like that, but the footage in the past would tend to disagree with him. Bo got him up to her room, drugged him, and readied him for her boss. Her boss spent a lot of money getting his hands on the Intersect glasses but hadn't tried them yet because he heard of some side effects. But since Morgan appeared to be all right, Bo's boss, Nicholas Quinn (Angus Macfadyen), decided he could take out Morgan and have nothing to worry about. Except the X-13 knockout gas, the same stuff Casey was using on Jeff and Lester, worked about as well on Morgan and he went the full Intersect on Quinn, his men, and even knocked out Bo Derek, escaping with the glasses.

After getting over the shock that Bo Derek was a spy, it turns out Quinn had his own spy agency. However, unlike Carmichael Industries, he only he dealt clients such as such as Fulcrum, The Ring, and Volkoff Industries. Hence Quinn's motivation into getting the Intersect glasses. It explained everything except the glasses and the vault. Despite everyone's advice not to do it, Morgan chose to admit to Alex he slept with Bo Derek. However, Alex doesn't believe him. Unfortunately, Big Mike gave him a clue about the vault. Emerald and gold referred to Buy More's colors; Morgan hid the Intersect glasses at the Buy More in Vail. And Jeffster! overhear the conversation.

Team Carmichael heads to the Vail Buy More. Posing as security from corporate, they ask manager, Big Michelle, to see the manager's vault. She wants to get approval for it and gets a tranq dart for her troubles. Morgan cracks the code, since it's the same one as in Burbank (1-2-3-4), but the safe is empty. It turns out, he hid the glasses in a video game display. Mission accomplished...only Jeffster! followed them. They out Team Carmichael to the entire store, and the bullets that suddenly start flying from Quinn's men, seem to at least make their story plausible. Quinn claims he is ex-CIA and was supposed to receive the Intersect, then Bryce stole it. He went back into the field, only to be captured and tortured for 378 days. Chuck tries to convince him it wouldn't do him any good, but Quinn laughs, and asks if Chuck would have Sarah without it. Casey opens fire on Quinn's men and the fight is on. Quinn escapes, but Chuck, Sarah, and Casey take out the rest of Quinn's men. Morgan manages to save Lester from being shot. Casey wants to go after Quinn, but Chuck convinces him not to, and to turn the Intersect over to Beckman. He agrees that they were done with their final mission.

After all the bloodshed and near death, this time Jeff and Lester beg to forget everything they saw. Casey sets them up once again, only knowing it didn't work any other time because of circumstances, he writes on Jeff's arm saying they are 'not' spies. He also crosses out several other words. Since Jeff thought they were the ones who wrote that the team weren't spies, they believe it. Big Mike picks them up, hands them some Subway sandwiches, and they decide to go to Vegas for real.

The team thinks it's over, and Sarah calls Chuck to suggest they have a final ceremony at their office, pop some champagne, and destroy the Intersect glasses. Chuck smiles, thinking it wasn't a jinx to say, "one last mission." Chuck then answers the door and is kidnapped by Quinn. Sarah gets a call from Quinn to bring the Intersect glasses to the San Pedro pier. She goes in armed, but it's a setup. They surround her and demand the glasses without giving her Chuck. Casey opens fire, and Sarah is able to hide. They still don't know where Chuck is. Casey can't get out and is running out of ammunition quickly. Sarah thinks she only has one move left: she puts on the Intersect glasses. She gives Quinn's team the full Intersect treatment.

Guest Stars[]


  • Bo Derek portrays herself with reference to her classic fame from 10, which generated a cultural impact of rating one's attractiveness on a scale of 1 to 10. She also appears to be a childhood crush to Chuck, she said she knew what he did to her posters.
  • In one of the flashbacks Morgan is seen possibly using a foreign language flash, an ability previously demonstrated in Chuck Versus Operation Awesome and Chuck Versus the Honeymooners, to speak Portuguese. His poor accent and somewhat staggered speech, however, might indicate that it wasn't a flash and Morgan actually does speak Portuguese.
  • The way Jeff writes on his arm to keep track of the investigation is a reference to the movie Memento (2001), in which the protagonist suffers from retrograde amnesia and uses tattoos to remember the clues of his investigation.


Sarah: It doesn't change the plan, it just means we have one last mission.
Morgan: Why would she....
Chuck: No!
Casey: C'mon, Walker!
Sarah: What?
Chuck: Things never turn out well when you say, 'one last mission.'
Sarah: It's just because of some stupid movie?
Chuck & Morgan: Yes!
Casey: Never say 'one last mission.' Never.
Chuck: Never!


Chuck: How do you know my friend, here?
Bo Derek: I don't like to kiss and tell, but your friend rocked my world on magical night in November.
Chuck: Seriously?
Morgan: Seriously?
Sarah: Seriously?
Casey: Seriously?


Morgan: This is from a few months ago, I was kinda going through a... thing.
Big Mike: Ah, the frosted tips phase.
Morgan: Yeah.
Big Mike: Made it real hard not to smack you.


  • The Weight - The Band
  • Don’t Stop (Color On the Walls) - Foster the People
  • No Siesta - MC Juan
  • Rock the House - The Deekompressors