Chuck Wiki

Morgan and Casey's Apartment refers to the Echo Park apartment that John Casey occupied from Season 1 to the series finale, Chuck Versus the Goodbye

The apartment is featured regularly throughout the series. Notable appearances include during Chuck Versus the First Date, as Casey prepares to assassinate Chuck, and during Chuck Versus the Third Dimension, when rock star, Tyler Martin, is tranq'ed and brought there, in Chuck Versus the Colonel, when Devon breaks in and eventually discovers Chuck, Sarah, and Casey's secret.

In Chuck Versus the Tooth, Justin Sullivan, a Ring agent, convinces Ellie that Casey is a double agent, and Ellie is pushed toward believing him when she sees the stash of guns in Casey's apartment.

In Chuck Versus the First Bank of Evil, Morgan becomes Casey's roommate, when he leverages a room with him after he finds out that Casey is secretly working with the NCS at Castle.

In the series finale, Casey gives the keys to the apartment to his daughter after Alex and Morgan inform him they are moving in together.


Casey's apartment has had a spy makeover which not only equipped it with weapon stores and a direct feed to Beckman, but also has other spy defenses. In Chuck Versus the First Date the apartment is shown to have a scanner near the outside of the door to scan visitors for weapons. In the same episode it also was shone to have a chemical shower that Casey uses to wash off poison powder. In Chuck Versus the Third Dimension the apartment is shown to have an alarm system that is cable of caging off the living room, in order to trap people who are trying to use the equipment without authorization.



